Intervention Project

Lixo Zero Mouraria (Zero Waste Mouraria)

The project

Lixo Zero Mouraria is a project of the Lisbon City Council's BIPZIP 2018 Program, promoted by Zero Waste Lab in partnership with Cozinha Popular da Mouraria, the Portugal Sem Beatas Movement, the Mouraria Innovation Center and the Renovar a Mouraria Association. Many other local and city partners joined the project, from GAT in Mouraria, to Rede Biataki and Escola Básica Maria Barroso, for example.
With a special focus on disposables, plastics and butts, Lixo Zero Mouraria is a project developed alongside the Mouraria community where it seeks to pilot Lixo Zero solutions tailored to each group, need or activity sector in the neighborhood. On a horizontal work basis, transversal to the whole community, the project addresses the zero waste philosophy with families, schools, senior university, commerce and restaurants, creating spaces for sectorial sharing and discussion, with the aim of enhancing the creation of effective solutions for each and every one.
It is intended for these solutions to drive a systemic change in the daily life of the neighborhood, enhancing the improvement of the quality of life and sustainability of available resources.

Intervention Project

Lixo Zero Mouraria (Zero Waste Mouraria)


The Mouraria neighborhood, located in the Lisbon parish of Santa Maria Maior, is one of the most traditional and multicultural neighborhoods in Lisbon, where more than 55 nationalities live together, in a vibrant cultural energy. A key point for both Lisboners and tourists, Mouraria brings together communities from around the world. Mouraria brings together various realities in the city.
This is also an emblematic project for its potential for scale and replication.

Map of Mouraria

Intervention Project

Lixo Zero Mouraria (Zero Waste Mouraria)

Zero Waste Media

Intervention Project

Lixo Zero Mouraria (Zero Waste Mouraria)

Deita Cá para Fora (Let It Out)


Deita Cá para Fora consists of a cycle of community forums developed throughout the year with various groups from Mouraria, from families, seniors or children, to traders or representatives of local restaurants, with the aim of collecting testimonies for the elaboration of the Community Manifesto Lixo Zero.

It happened:

"Zero Waste Cities", 9 Jan 2019, CIM
The documentary Zero Waste Cities was recorded during the 1st International Congress Zero Waste Cities that took place in Brasília-DF, Brazil in June 2018. The film addresses the social, political and economic impacts of the paradigm shift in relation to waste management in our society, also bringing a little about the Lixo Zero programs implemented with excellence in all five continents through the participation of important national and international specialists, activists, researchers and public managers who work directly with Lixo Zero and added their knowledge and experiences in the theme.
A master class on waste management that shows us how simple change is and that it can start today with each of us. The screening of the film was followed by a conversation with Rodrigo Sabatini, president of the Lixo Zero Brasil Institute and member of the Zero Waste International Alliance, creator of the documentary and driving the movement in Brazil and in the world.

"Zero Waste Snack Time", 18 Jan 2019, Renovar a Mouraria Association
Zero waste snack with children and young people that participate in the study support group of Renovar a Mouraria, also joined by their families, all recent immigrants. During a snack without waste, the conversation gravitated between the production of waste at an individual level and its impacts on the community.
In an environment of play and fun, we thought together about what would be interesting to improve and how each one can be part of that change. The children said what bothered them most: bottles left by "drunks", poop from dogs that are not picked up by their owners, among others. The adults and families present, left with the certainty that we have a lot to learn from the youngest.

"Butts", 31 Jan 2019, GAT inMouraria
Conversation with technicians and users of GAT inMouraria about litter, the neighborhood and the impact on each one and on ecosystems. With a focus on cigarette butts, a video was projected showcasing the route and impact of cigarette butts when they hit the street. On the same day, a Beatão = Butt Collector was installed at the door of GAT inMouraria, in partnership with our partner Rede BIATAKI.

"Lixo Zero", 02 Mar 2019, Festival Entrudanças
At the invitation of the League for the Protection of Nature, the Lixo Zero Mouraria project opened its doors and performed at the Festival Entrudanças - Castro Verde, in a conversation circle about the Zero Waste Movement and sustainable consumption. City issues taken to rural areas reminded that responsibility is shared by all and that there are no boundaries to the problem of garbage. Throw away the trash? Where? There is no "outside".

"Lanche Lixo Zero", 02 Abr 2019, Senior University
Around a snack / gathering, the conversation flowed with students from the Senior University of the Parish of Santa Maria Maior. Many stories shared about the quality of life in the neighborhood, what is to be praised and what is lacking ... the result of a careful and persistent look at the neighborhood and the city, which accompany the urban recovery but also the tourist pressure in the neighborhood. Stories of yesteryear and now, facilities and difficulties felt and many suggestions were recorded. Life stories that teach us with experience but also with a great desire to learn. See poster.

"Environment at scale, individual, community and European", 31 Mai 2019, CIM
In partnership with Rede DLBC and Espaço Europa, partners of the WISE project who shared this discussion space with the Lixo Zero Mouraria project. The Forum took place under the theme of “Environment at scale, individual, community and European” and the discussion was lively between what each one needs in their neighborhood to be able to implement change and what incentives are given at the European level for that to happen, in an integrated and efficient way. See poster.

Intervention Project

Lixo Zero Mouraria(Zero Waste Mouraria)

Põe a Mão na Massa (Get your hands dirty)


It is under the motto “Hands on”, the name given to the cycle of 4 workshops, that the mentors and invited professionals share experiences and propose that they learn by doing. Betting on a philosophy of life based on the 5 R´s is the shortest and most efficient way to solve the problem of irrational waste accumulation, especially if the focus is on the level of REFUSE, RETHINK and REDUCE.
The workshops aim to share experiences and promote the conservation of natural resources by reducing waste, demonstrating that through a zero waste lifestyle, resources are financially saved and everyday life is managed in a more efficient, healthy and comfortable way.

It happened:

"Zero Waste Kitchen Workshop", 19 Fev 2019, Cozinha Popular da Mouraria
Workshop to share tips for Zero Waste in the Kitchen. The kitchen is the residential environment where most waste is generated. Rethinking how we can contribute by generating less waste, consuming less packaging and still save money with greater health and quality of life for the family and the environment, was the motto presented on this day.
This Zero Waste Kitchen workshop brought in the author of the blog “Mama Knows How To Save”, who taught us how to prepare a recipe of oat vegetable milk and bread with leftovers, as well as bee’s wrap - an alternative to cling film and homemade detergent. See poster.

"Zero Waste Bathroom Workshop", 26 Mar 2019, Renovar a Mouraria Association
Workshop for sharing Zero Waste tips and recipes for personal hygiene products. Once again, we invited the author of the blog “Mama Knows How To Save”, who shared recipes for shower gel, body cream in bar, toothpaste and deodorant, demonstrating that through a zero waste lifestyle, you save a lot financially, waste production is greatly reduced and we focus on the essentials, our well-being and the least possible impact on ecosystems. See poster.

"Workshop Cooking without waste with Chef Nuno Queiroz Ribeiro", 24 Abr 2019, Cozinha Popular da Mouraria
In this workshop Chef Nuno Queiroz Ribeiro prepared a complete meal, with minimal food waste, using ingredients bought in bulk, seasonal, vegetarian or vegan. An opportunity to learn how to make a complete, healthy and waste-free meal, where in the end chef and participants shared the delicious prepared recipes, in a delightful moment of conviviality at the table. See poster.

"Zero Waste Home Solutions Workshop", 20 Mai 2019, Telheiras Festival
This workshop featured entrepreneur Cristina Correia, from the Lusa Natura brand, who taught participants recipes for making toothpaste, shower gel, body cream and bees-wrap. Easy recipes, made with natural ingredients, which allow you to save on plastic packaging and rescue the pleasure of creating and manually making your own products. See poster.

Intervention Project

Lixo Zero Mouraria (Zero Waste Mouraria)

Enche o Saco (Fill the Bag)


Street initiative for environmental awareness and impact that invites all residents, workers and visitors of Mouraria, to pick up a bag and collect the litter and scattered cigarette butts while walking the streets of the neighborhood. The activity ends with the gathering of the various garbage bags collected and their separation, analysis and accounting. The analysis and commentary on the various pieces found and collected is one of the highlights of the event, as this is where the sharing between participants and the team will be most fruitful and from where many useful conversations to raise awareness of the problem are born. The main objective is to raise awareness of the importance of ending littering and reducing waste production by promoting the reduction of the ecological footprint of cities. On the other hand, it is also intended to raise awareness of the importance of recognizing what is litter and what is waste and how each can have an adequate and least harmful impact on the planet.

It happened:

"Activity to raise awareness about cigarette butts", 12 Out 2018, Mouraria - partnership with Associação Renovar a Mouraria and GRACE volunteers

"Activity to raise awareness about cigarette butts", 9 Fev 2019, Mouraria - partnership with Meninas do Rio. See poster.

"Activity to raise awareness about cigarette butts", 11 Mai 2019, Mouraria. See poster.

"Awareness raising Activity on marine litter", 12 Mai 2019, Praia de Caxias - partnership with Escola Maria Barroso and Luísa Ducla Soares
The school went to the beach to witness where some of the litter we produce at home or at school ends up. An activity that enriched the entire framework of workshops developed at the school.

"Activity to raise awareness about cigarette butts", 9 Jul 2019, Mouraria - partnership with volunteers from ORIS and Torres Distribuição. See poster.

Intervention Project

Lixo Zero Mouraria (Zero Waste Mouraria)

Zero Waste School

The verbs Refuse, Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Repair and Recycle, were the motto for the development of various activities with the school community, from students and teachers, to parents, educators and family support assistants.
In partnership with Escola Maria Barroso and Escola Ducla Soares, we pilot educational activities with the aim of sowing values of citizenship, respect, ecology, health and happiness that mobilize the group and activate the sense of participation in the common space.
There were 12 workshops - 2 for each classroom, and three activities with the entire school community, which had a direct impact on the children and which we hope, also naturally flowed into the family context, thus influencing the entire school environment.

Kindergarten Activities
Primary School Activities
All Activities

Intervention Project

Lixo Zero Mouraria (Zero Waste Mouraria)

Zero Waste Manifesto - "Re-Volta"

The gutters of Lisbon receive not only rainwater, but also a lot of small-sized litter, such as small plastics and cigarette butts that cannot be filtered and end up being thrown directly into the sea.

It is for that reason that this fish, already saturated and nauseous, suddenly appeared through a sewer lid, right here in the center of Lisbon! He feels cheated, because at first, everything that shined seemed delicious. Only it was years of fake, artificial food. From morning to night he filled his stomach with everything we were throwing onto the city floor. Already full and disgusted, he appears to us today to return to us, the senders, all this litter - undigested and accumulated - in a huge gush of vomiting.

This is the story of the fish Re-volta, symbol of the Zero Waste Manifesto, the result of a year of awareness raising work with the community of Mouraria, inaugurated on 19/09/2019.

In the view of Zero Waste Lab, this fish symbolizes the revolt worthy of a living being that has been explored, as well as its habitat, over the last few decades, in a system that has distanced man from his real nature and from the whole relationship of inherent interdependence.
(In Portuguese, revolt and return have the same word = revolta)

Re-volta came to the center of Lisbon to return what does not belong to it, but also to ask each individual to go through the transformation process, back to its origin, in a fundamental turnaround for the maintenance of Life now and for generations to come.

Pictures by Pedro Motta