May 2020

Text by ZWL Team

Challenges at Home

Embracing the mission of continuing to promote the zero waste concept, the Zero Waste Academy has adapted to this unique time in which we live. Now only a click away, we are sharing several workshops, "non-disposable" talks, explanatory videos with homemade recipes, among other materials adapted to different audiences and age groups, alongside challenges for young people to do at home.

Accept our “Challenges at Home” and share the results with us (

Challenge 1
What will your school be like? How will you get there? Will you go on foot? Do you see animals on the streets? trees? what else? How would you like to imagine your classroom? Will the environment be better taken care of? Will you see less garbage on your beach? And what can you do through the computer?
#EchoesOfTheFuture see here

Challenge 2
We would like to help your family with reminders of zero waste behavior. Let's do it?
#ZeroWasteHome see here

Challenge 3
What if you were a journalist? An expert in news and tips on Environmental Sustainability and Respect for all forms of Life.
#AroundTheWorld see here