Intervention Project

Academia Lixo Zero (Zero Waste Academy)

The project

Considering the global threats to the environment, it is urgent to act and act consistently, sowing knowledge, values ​​and awareness of shared responsibility with regard to guaranteeing quality of life for future generations. The Academy invites everyone to take a positive ecological footprint in their personal and collective journeys, and to create bridges of cooperation among themselves. It is intended to implement and disseminate Zero Waste practices, preparing and promoting the transition of the School and Community in this process.
Academia Lixo Zero is a project of community transformation based on education, taking the School and its varied pedagogical processes, as a fundamental pillar for irradiation of change. It seeks to value the relational contact between people, from formal education, to the informal exchange of experiences, or sharing and learning within the community, family, with neighbors, between cultures or in intergenerational interaction. It is in the sharing and approach of the community, creating collaborative interaction networks, that ways of solving common problems are identified. Problems that affect us all must be solved together. The threats that today appear to us as eminent and have a great negative impact on the quality of all life, are the result of decades of disconnection, exploration and consumption without any notion of interdependence of ecosystems.
Continuing to invest in community-based Zero Waste solutions that have a great impact on the quality of life of the community, tested by sectors and with potential for replication on a city scale.
This is a project promoted by Zero Waste Lab in partnership with the Association of Parents and Educators of Escola Maria Barroso and the Grouping of Schools Passos Manuel, with the support of the BIPZIP Program of the Municipality of Lisbon.

Intervention Project

Academia Lixo Zero (Zero Waste Academy)

Formal Partners

Intervention Project

Academia Lixo Zero (Zero Waste Academy)

Schools involved

Intervention Project

Academia Lixo Zero (Zero Waste Academy)

Project Activities

Zero Waste School

Development of an action plan for the systemic transition of the School space, with a focus on creating coherent recommendations for reducing waste production, alongside its efficient management and support equipment.

Zero Waste Hour

Development of content for use in the classroom, with the objective of consistently rooting the sustainability theme, while raising awareness of environmental balance and quality of life in the neighborhood.

Watch Videos Zero Waste Hour
View Challenges at Home

Zero Waste Neighborhood

The verbs Refuse, Rethink, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, will be the motto for the development of various activities within the school and neighborhood community. It is intended to involve teachers, families and assistants so that the concepts go beyond the walls of the schools and pour into the neighborhood. Local events in the neighborhood and at the school will be organized together with families and the school community.

See Animation 20 Zero Waste Good Practices at Home

Zero Waste Workshops

Workshops aimed at families, teachers, residents and visitors, based on the Lixo Zero philosophy, aiming at promoting changes in individual and group behaviors, based on sustained information and experiences that shed light on the negative impact of the unconscious overuse of disposable plastics at various levels, while offering practical solutions.

Zero Contagion

Development of tools to disseminate the activities and dynamics developed with and for the various community groups that were mobilized —both formal and informal partners, as well as other social actors. It ranges from the development of media content with students, to the development of zero waste products with community elders, seeking to strengthen key points of information and dissemination of Zero Waste.

Listen to the Non-Disposable Talks (in portuguese)

Zero Waste Week

The Zero Waste week will be the final event of the project. This is intended to be a moment of community participation, open to the city and to everyone who wants to visit and participate. With the duration of a week, an event celebrated on a global scale, the community will be organized in 5 hotspots around the neighborhood, one dedicated to each R: Refuse, Rethink, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.