Intervention Project

Chain Impact Movement

The Project

Today, our well-being and prosperity, and future generations', cannot be thought of in isolation from the health of the environment and ecosystems on which we all currently depend. Therefore, in the face of the ecological, social and health crisis we are experiencing, it is becoming urgent to harmonise and balance the social and economic needs of local communities with the real capacities of the environment. On this long road of transformation of our production and consumption systems, which we still have to travel to the regenerative transformation of our societies, every small step counts. In urban areas, characterised by high population density, pollution, and greater socio-economic inequalities, it seems essential to drive new sustainable lines of action, to be able to guarantee local resilience and the preservation of common goods.

The Chain Impact Movement, intends to contribute to a new local Culture of Management of Natural and Material Resources capable of ensuring the well-being of communities and their ecosystems.

In 2021, in network with a set of associative partners of local action, based and active in the territories of Marvila, Ajuda, Alfama and PRODAC, the CIM stimulated an active chain of alternative Zero Waste solutions in the city of Lisbon, enabling well-being, health and savings:

- Diagnosis of the internal processes of management of financial and material resources of two local and partner associations supported by BIPZIP - the Eco-stylists in Marvila, and the Gonçalo Silveira Foundation in Alta de Lisboa - with co-creation of two Zero Waste Impact Plans adapted to the associative realities, as strategic tools aimed at reducing the production of waste and waste, while increasing the direct impact of each euro invested on the quality of life of the communities.

- Participatory mapping of resources of environmental impact in the 4 geographies of the project with indicators of sustainability, environment and resources of direct benefit and quality of life for the community. Production of the LISBOA LIXO ZERO map to publicise the city's goods, services, spaces, equipment, and infrastructures that promote community well-being and sustainability in the neighbourhood - neighbourhood - community in which they are located: bulk and second-hand shops, maintenance and repair services, grocery and local and organic produce markets, etc.

- Dynamisation of 18 practical workshops for the democratisation of zero waste, zero waste alternatives, generating economic and environmental savings, enabling the empowerment of local communities - residents, local and associative leaders.

- Production of the travelling photographic exhibition "Portraits of the City" on community wellbeing and sustainability in the city's neighbourhoods.

- Creation of a locally based Zero Waste Observatory - a result of the project to ensure sustainability and dissemination of good practices to other territories.

The CIM is a project promoted by Zero Waste Lab in partnership with the Zero Waste Youth Portugal movement, São Vicente Parish Council, 4Change, Gonçalo da Silveira Foundation and Movimento de Expressão Fotográfica, with the support of the BIPZIP2020 Programme of the Lisbon City Council. Being a partnership project, the construction and identification of partners is always in motion: Local Power with the parish councils of the territories concerned, other BIPZIPS in the city and their organizations.